Friends Southern Summer Events


Hi everyone !

This year’s FSSE AGM is coming up ! Here are all the details:
When ? Saturday 11th Nov. 2023, 1pm shared lunch, 2pm start of meeting
Where ? Westminster Meeting House, London, WC2N 4EA
Who ? Everyone connected with an FSSE event !! That includes JG/SC staff (past and present), participants (past and present – present are highly encouraged !!), parents, FSSE Trustees, AM reps and more !
What ? It is the Annual General Meeting of the charity FSSE where we hear and respond to things like the epistles of each event, trustees/treasurers report, and nominations of all roles at FSSE. You can find the draft agenda here.
How ? At Westminster Meeting House or online. If you would like to attend (in either format), RSVP to David Holtam, FSSE Clerk, – this is essential if you plan on attending online, otherwise we cannot send you the Zoom link. It is helpful to RSVP if you plan on attending at Westminster so we have an idea for numbers, but if you forget it’s ok to show up anyway.

If you have any questions email FSSE Clerk, David Holtam at or see the Contact page of our website.

See you there !!

Kit King
FSSE Trustee and Publicity Coordinator

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