Summer School

The Barmy Barn Dance

Every year at Summer School the Scampering Rogues come and teach us all lots of classic, original, barn dances. All friends got very, very into it, and lots of smiles were shared. There was a very energetic atmosphere, and everyone learnt some barn dancing by the end of it.  It brought friends together with enthusiasm.

The excitement was rising as more and more friends got onto their feet.  People paired up with other people, some people even danced with friends they didn’t know that well.   It was a very inclusive event that made people feel welcome in every way. There were lots of dances and everyone got stuck in, even if they weren’t sure what to do. However, this didn’t matter it was very relaxed. Sometimes us Quakers were very loud. Poor guy…..

Rebecca says ‘I thought it was good fun, and the band was really fun.’

Rachel says ‘It was an amazing experience.’

Beth says ‘It was the most fun thing at summer school this whole week.’

Matthew says ‘It was very good.’

Lila says ‘It was really fun.’

Amanda says ‘ It was really good fun, and lots of people were smiling and having a good time.’


So, overall it was a very enjoyable event which brought a lot of giggles to the community of friends. But we all had good fun, and all through the evening people were full of excitement.

Astrid Corry, Amanda Davis, Lydia Mijnlieff