Junior Gathering 2025

Thank you for your application

The booking reference is #. Important - please keep a note of this reference and use it as a reference in any applicable payments.

We will send you a confirmation email to let you know we've received it if you do not receive an email within 2 hours please check your spam folder or Contact us


What happens next?

Keep an eye out for an email from our bookings person (Jonathan Hodgson) in response to your application.

We hope to offer everyone who applies a place. When we have more applications than space, places are first offered to those in our catchment area (basically the south east) and then on a first come first serve basis.

Once you are offered a place and have accepted it we will send you information on payment, final event details, travel information and a medical update form.

Please don't hesitate to contact Jonathan Hodgson if you have any questions

Make another booking

We look forward to receiving your application for Junior Gathering!

Participant information

Parent/Guardian information

Quaker Meeting

Are you known at a Quaker Meeting in the UK? This information helps us gauge how familiar the participants are with Quakers and who they might already know at the event. When requested we can also help facilitate financial assistance with your Local Meeting (LM) or Area Meeting (AM).


Fees and Bursaries

Fees for Junior Gathering are £590 per person. Some Local and Area Quaker Meetings support their young people to attend, so if the cost is difficult to afford, do speak to your Local/Area Meeting in the first instance – some Meetings support their young people with half the cost as a matter of course.

However it is our policy that no-one should be excluded through inability to pay the fee. We receive grants and gifts that enable us to support participation with a bursary, though the total sum available is limited. Ask Jonathan Hodgson about bursary assistance.

Fee payments
In advance of Junior Gathering and Senior Conference, FSSE is required to inform the venue for our events of the total numbers attending and is charged accordingly. Given that the total number that can be accommodated is also limited, the following requirements apply for payment of participant fees:
- To reserve a place, a non-refundable deposit of £50 must be paid upon receipt of your booking acknowledgment to Jonathan Hodgson.
- The balance of the full fee of £590 must be received by Monday 29th July 2025.

In the case of a participant withdrawing in advance from Junior Gathering or Senior Conference or being unable to take up their place, the following applies:
- The deposit is non-refundable.
- If you have paid the full fee prior to cancellation, you will receive a refund of the balance if you cancel on or before Monday 29th July 2025.
- If you cancel after Monday 29th July 2025, the balance cannot be refunded other than in exceptional circumstances.

Donations in excess of the fees, from Friends and Meetings who are able to make them, are extremely welcome as they enable bursaries to be made. If you are able to make a donation to enable other young Quakers to attend FSSE events, please see the Donate page of our website.

Please indicate how you intend to pay the event fee (£590).


If there is sufficient demand we are considering organising a coach to leave from Reading Station to our venue, Leighton Park. Please confirm if you would like to get the coach.


First Aid

Consent for Junior Gathering First Aiders to give medicines:


Notes on terms
General Publicity: We'd be grateful if the participant can be included in photographs/media that may be used for our own future publicity materials and for any externally produced articles (For example: The Friend magazine).
FSSE Community: This includes FSSE volunteers, parents and participants.

Other consent


And finally:

By completing the application form, you agree for us to securely store the information you have provided to help us plan for the event. We will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

You can request a copy of your information which we hold or ask for any information we have that concerns you to be deleted. Our Nominated Officer for data protection is the Clerk of FSSE, who can be contacted on info@fsse.org.

For more information on how we store and process your data, please see our FSSE Data Protection and Security Policy Data Statement.

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